Our firm is a 14 attorney firm in central Iowa. We have one office in Des Moines and have been considering opening an office in another city. We represent business organizations and very few individual clients. I would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.
I hope this is part of an overall strategic planning process and not a random act. If it is then the first consideration should be the needs of your most important existing clients. The first questions you should address are:
After giving some thought to the above questions determine whether the firm can meet the needs of key clients from existing geographical locations, or whether it must consider new venues. Then consider the following:
A geographical strategy must carefully consider and weigh the importance of personal contact.
Think through the process strategically and as a part of your planning process – run the numbers on a few scenarios – and weight the pros and cons of moving into other areas.
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John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC