John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC

Media Interviews

Ethics Pitfalls Can Await Attorneys Who Don’t Prep for Retirement, written by Kevin Penton, Law360, September 17, 2020.

Make Me a Match: How to Pull Off a Successful Law firm Merger, written by Leslie A. Gordon, American Bar Association (ABA) Journal, June 2017.

Avoiding Chaos in Crisis, Legal Management: The Magazine of the Association of Legal Administrators,  written by Mary Kate Sheridan, July/August, 2017.

Don’t Underestimate the Value of an Internal Audit, Law360, written by Justin Gwin, Kaufman Rossin, PA, March 3,2017.

Four Rules For Handing Off a Client Before Retirement, written by Aebra Coe, Law360, May 26, 2016.

A Lawsuit-Free Way to Show Senior Partners the Door, written by Aaaron Vehling, Law360, February 24, 2016.

Partner Moves Increasingly Fueled by Law Firm Leases, written by Andrew Strickler, Law360, September  10, 2015.

Non Equity Partners: The Most Miserable Attorneys in Your Firm, written by Andrew Strickler, Law360, August 17, 2015.

Blaming Big Law Accounting a Tough Path For Dewey Execs, written by Andrew Strickler, Law360, May 8, 2015.

Practice Management: Plan to Grow, written by Ed Finkel, Illinois Bar Journal, Vol. 103, No. 3, March 2015.

How to Avoid a Client Handover Catastrophe, written by Gavin Broady, Law360, March 5, 2015

A Midcareer Guide To Becoming Your Firm’s Heir Apparent, written by Gavin Broady, Law360, March 4, 2015.

A Lawsuit – Free Way to Show Senior Partners the Door, written by Aaron Vehing, Law360, February 24, 2015.

Armchair Marketing, written by G.M. Filisko, ABA Journal, January 2015, Vol. 101, No. 1.

Bingham to Plan No. 2 In Morgan Lewis Merger, written by Andrew Strickler, Law360, September 22, 2014.

BigLaw Finds New Roles For Older Attys Amid Age-Bias Woes, written by Scott Flaherty, Law360, July 25, 2014.

GC Switch Gives Law Firms a Fresh Start, written by Andrew Strickler, Law360, June 11, 2014.

Seeking Startups – Missouri Law Firms Are Finding Ways to Target Clients That Don’t Exist Yet, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Media, March 28, 2014.

How Not to Be a Victim of Law Firm Embezzlement, written by Janan Hanna, Illinois Bar Journal, September 2013, Vol. 101

Firms Ignore Aging Partners at Their Own Peril, written by Bill Donahue, Law360. June 28,2013.

Five Tips for Pulling Off a Law Firm Succession Plan, written by Andrew Strickler, Law360, February 22, 2013.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All When Saving Time, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, February 27, 2012.

For Sale by Owner, written by Maria Kantzavelos, Illinois Bar Journal, Vol. 100, No. 10, October 2012.

Planning to Succeed, written by Helen W. Gunnarsson, Illinois Bar Journal, Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011.

The Pros and Cons of Going Solo, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, January 30, 2011.

Technology for the New Solo
, written by Rebecca Boyle, Missouri Lawyers Media, January 30, 2011.

How to Get the Most Out of Your CLE Classes, written by Tony Ogden, LawyersUSA, August 2010.

Traditional Ways to Market Your Firm: Advertise at Houses of Worship, written by Correy E. Stephenson, LawyersUSA, November 2010.

Layoffs Strike at Missouri-Based Husch Blackwell, written by Christine Simmons, Missouri Lawyers Media, October 6, 2010.

Firm Split Off From Missouri’s Devereux Murphy Without Leaving Home, written by Christine Simmons, Missouri Lawyers Media, August 4, 2010.

Do You Need a Headhunter, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, July 25, 2010.

Layoffs, Splits & Just a Little Optimish at Missouri’s Big 50, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, May 9, 2010.

Turnaround: Solos Seek Advise to Survive a Struggling Economy, written by G.M. Filisko, American Bar Journal, March 2010.

How to Choose a Tax Preparer, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, March 1, 2010.

Lone Gun: 25 Tips for Launcing Your Practice, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, January 25, 2010.

2009 Market By Law Firm Lawoffs in Missouri, Missouri Lawyers Media, January 6, 2010.

Brown & Crouppen to Set Up Shop in High-End Metropolitan Square, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Media, November 23, 2009.

The Business of Law: Benefits and Payroll – Percentage of Revenue to Spend on Payroll and Benefits, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, October 25, 2009.

31 Days, 31 Ways, Think About Your Firm Name, written by Anna Vitale, Missouri Lawyers Media, September 28, 2009.

The Merits of Outsourcing, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, September 14, 2009.

All Those Files Take Up Space: Off-Site Storage May Be the Solution, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, September 14, 2009.

Splitsville: Pace of Missouri Law Firm Breakups Accelerates, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Media, September 8, 2009.

Open Doors to Better Lease Deals for Your Firm, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, July 24, 2009.

How to Keep Your Firm’s Clients, written by David Baugher, Missouri Lawyers Media, June 26, 2009.

Zero in on the Right Software, written by David Knopf, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, April 2009.

The Merits of Outsourcing, written by David Knopf, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, March 26, 2009.

Co-Employment Arrangements, written by David Knopf, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, March 26, 2009.

No Retreat, written by G.M. Filisko, American Bar Association Journal, March 2009.

Money 20: Room At the Top For Mid-Sized Firms, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, February 23, 2009.

Plastic Problems, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, February 16, 2009.

Tough Economy: Where Do You Cut? When Do You Hire Or Outsource, written by David Knopf, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, January 26, 2009.

Lawyer Layoffs Now Part of Missouri’s Landscape, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, December 24, 2008.

Don’t Panic Over Turmoil on Wall Street. Firms Advised That Shifting Economy Could Strain Financials, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, September 29, 2008.

Law Firm Compensation Systems Explained, written by Helen W. Gunnarsson, Illinois Bar Journal, Vol. 96, No. 6, June 2008.

2008 Money 20: Missouri Lawyers Weekly Exclusive Big 50 Missouri Law Firm List and Directory, June 2008.

New Partners Special Section: Congratulations! How Here is What You Owe, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, February 4, 2008.

Law Firm Marketing 101, written by G.M. Filisko, The Illinois Bar Journal, January 2008.

Plaintiff’s Attorneys in Edward Jones Case Showcase Hours, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, October 2007.

You Only Thought You Knew Brown & Crouppen: Now Know It Better, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, February 12, 2007.

A Seat at the Table, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, January 2007.

The Rise and Felonies of Charles Polk, written by Geri Dreiling, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, August 21, 2006.

Bryan Cave Mulls Mega Merger, written by Heather Cole, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, June 5, 2006.

People to Know, written by Matt Berkley, St. Louis Small Business Monthly, March 2006.

Indianapolis Law Firm Merger Failure: A Story That Addressed Reasons Behind Such Failures, written by Scott Olson, Indianapolis Business Journal, Indianapolis, Indiana, July 2004.

Tips For Implementing Change, written by Fiona Soltes, National Association of Fleet Administrators, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2004.

Business Skills for Lawyers: A Story That Addressed Business Skills That Lawyers Should Either Possess or Develop, written by Lisa Holton, John Marshall Law School Alumni Magazine, March 2004.

Strange Currently: In One Firm, Post-It Notes and Bonuses Promote Good Work, written by Lisa Holton, American Bar Association Journal, January 2004.

25 Tips to Implementing Change & Improving the Bottom Line

Indiana Law Firm Consolidations and Mergers, written by Scott Olson, Indianapolis Business Journal, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Refining Relationships When Associates Become Partners, written by Jenny B. Davis, American Bar Association Journal.

Firms Move to Rich Kansas City Market: Can K.C. Firms Remain Competitive, Missouri Lawyers Weekly

Indiana Law Firm Mergers, written by Scott Olson, Indianapolis Business Journal, Indianapolis, Indiana

Law Firm Expansion, written by Charles Williams, The Post and Courier Newspaper, Charleston, South Carolina

Cultivating Connectedness: Lawyers Should Be Able to Tap Into Their Firm Culture When They’re Away, written by Jenny B. Davis, American Bar Association Journal

Personal Coaching Holds People Accountable, The Telegraph, Alton, Illinois

Tips on Implementing Change in Professional Service Firms, Illinois Business Journal and St. Louis Small Business Monthly

What Qualities Do You Appreciate in a Co-Worker, written by Ron Janecke, St. Louis Business Journal, St. Louis, Missouri

Fighting the Law of Management, The Courier Journal, Louisville, Kentucky

Olmstead to Speak at National Conference of National Bureau of Certified Consultants on The Future of Multidisciplinary Practices, The Telegraph, Alton, Illinois

Businesses Dealing With Uncertain Times Ahead, Illinois Business Journal

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